No matter how large or small, all donations are welcome! Your donation, fund or estate represents an essential contribution to the foundation, whether used for cultural activities, education, research, transfer of knowledge purposes. Share your good fortune by making a donation.
Make a difference
Your support enables the Foundation to continue fulfilling its role in society. Every single donation, whether large or small, one-off or structural, goes to help the foundation in its objectives. Help us to support scientific research, restoration and preservation of the cultural heritage of Mount Athos, religious and charitable activities outside of the Mountain Athos, which are connected with it by religious conviction, dependence, tradition and support the tolerance between religions and cultural traditions.
Include the Mount Athos Foundation in your will. Assets left to charities are exempted from inheritance tax, and you would be leaving a valuable bequest. You could also appoint the Mount Athos Foundation as a beneficiary to your estate.
Donating with tax incentive
Culture is important for us and all people. Help conserving and restoring our cultural heritage. By committing to a structural donation to Mount Athos Foundation Amsterdam we can commit to further development of our conservation and restoration projects for a longer period of time.
A tax incentive exists for donations to foundations with the status of a Public Benefit Organisation (In Dutch ‘ANBI status’) such as Mount Athos Foundation Amsterdam .
If you support us for a longer period, we can invest our time and resources for long term projects, and this can provide very interesting tax advantages for you. Together we can commit to our conservation and restoration projects of cultural heritage without increasing your expenses.
If you would commit to a continuous donation during five years we call this a periodical donation. A periodical gift may be reduced entirely form your income tax. The periodical gift must in that case be confirmed in an agreement.