Tax incentives

Donating with tax incentive: Periodic donation

If you would commit to a continuous donation during five years we call this a periodical donation.  A periodical gift may be reduced entirely form your income tax. The periodical gift must in that case be confirmed in an agreement.

The Dutch Government is planning as of 2020 to implement a gradual reduction of the current top rate of 50,75% for donations (similar to other personal tax reductions) by 3% per year until a rate of 37,05% is reached in 2023. Consequentially the fiscal advantages of the periodical and one-off gift will reduce. 

How to obtain the tax incentive?

By following the next steps:

  • Download the  Overeenkomst periodieke gift (pdf)
  • After filling in and signing, please return two copies to: Stichting Vrienden van de Helige Berg Athos Van Breestraat 150A 1071 ZW Amsterdam, NL
  • Each form will then receive a code which you may add to your tax return.
  • After having been processed and counter signed we will return one copy to you. Please save it well as the Belastingdienst may ask for it occasionally.

About the payment of your donation

You may choose to pay the annual amount once a year or break it down in periodical installments (monthly or quarterly). Please make sure that your first effective payment falls on a date after the date of the agreement. Note that for the tax incentive no donation prior to that date counts for the reduction.

Ending of your periodcial donation. Your obligation to fullfill the payments terminate:

  • At the end of your agreement;
  • In case of your passing away;
  • In case you loose your job or become inapt to work;
  • The Foundation Friends of Athos Amsterdam is in bankruptcy or loses its ANBI status.
  • In case you have an agreement for indeterminate time, the agreement does not end on a specific date. You may however terminate at any time after the first five installments.

In case of further questions please contact us:

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